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Why does my baby catnap? - How to extend those short naps

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Catnapping is undeniably inconvenient, you’ve just got baby down, you’re about to finally feed yourself for the first time today and baby has already woken up…’s frustrating! I get it.

However, shorter naps, I’m sorry to say, are completely normal. They are also very common.

Now all is not lost, there are little tweaks you can do to help lengthen those naps but sometimes some babies only need little stints of sleep in the day.

  • Being over or under tired can cause catnapping, see if changing baby’s routine helps.

  • Have you tried contact napping? If you know baby will sleep for longer whilst sleeping on you, see if adding a few contact naps into the day helps encourage a longer nap.

  • If baby seems irritated or sad, I would try to encourage baby to resettle. You can try feeding or cuddling them back to sleep.

  • If baby wakes up happy and content, I wouldn’t force a longer nap. Respond to baby’s cues.

Once you've done those checks and you still feel there is an issue, fill out my Free Sleep Assessment Form and lets see if we can get to the root issue together.

Find out more about Sleep by Alexandra Sleep by Alexandra helps your family sleep better so you can enjoy more time together. Alexandra Collingbourne is a sleep consultant specialising in safe, holistic methods of getting your baby, toddler or young child to sleep in a way that empowers parents to live better, happier and with more energy. Specialist postnatal depression & anxiety support is also available for those who need it.

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