Almost 50% of all children will have a significant
sleep problem at some stage of their life.
Parents, you are not alone!
Certified Postnatal Depression Support

Online Sleep Success Guides
All the tools you need to establish healthy sleep for your baby, from encouraging regular napping to troubleshooting common problems. Give the gift of sleep to your family or loved ones today.

Bespoke Sleep Packages
If you’re looking for individualised plans, true one-on-one support or have unique circumstances that might need a more tailored approach, my Bespoke Sleep Packages are designed to fit your time, needs and lifestyle.
Sleep Support Session
Troubleshooting phone call to perfect your sleep technique
Designed for parents who need a low-cost, high-impact action plan and fast! SBA’s Sleep Support Session is ideal for parents looking for reassurance or guidance in their existing plan, centred on a 30 minute troubleshooting phone call at your convenience.

Easy Sleep Package
A personalised sleep plan tailored to your child’s needs
The Easy Sleep Package is designed for parents who would like 1:1 guidance on any sleep issues your little one may be having, with follow up support to help keep you on track. Specialist postnatal depression and anxiety support is also available.

SBA Sleep Package
The ultimate 1:1 sleep package, with personalised training plan and real-time support
The unique SBA Sleep Package is designed for parents who would like 1:1 guidance on any sleep issues their little one may be having, with unlimited follow up support to help keep on track. This is the ideal package for tackling serious sleep deprivation, baby sleep regression or a bespoke way to set long-term foundations for healthy sleep
for one week
for two weeks
Click below for full package details